Reaching Hispanics requires ideas, insight and inspiration

Authored by: Fernando L. Rodríguez, M.A., Director at MCG Latino

National Hispanic Heritage Month kicked off on September 15. This day was chosen as the starting point of the 30-day celebration because it is the independence day of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on Sept. 16 and Sept. 18. For some, it’s just another holiday on their calendar, for others, it is a unique opportunity.

Since 2011, MCG Latino has been the agency of record for Ford Motor Company and Lincoln Motor Company appointed to perform all activities related to PR and communication in cities with a large concentration of Hispanics, including Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Dallas, and Miami. We understand the Latino market so well because we are a part of it.

One lesson learned early on is that trust is the cornerstone of any substantial relationship within the Hispanic community. Is your brand effectively engaging with the Hispanic consumer? No matter your level of engagement, MCG Latino provides three insights that will put you on the right path:

  1. 1. Hispanics make decisions as a family.

When purchasing a big-ticket item such as a car, Hispanics make decisions by means of family discussions. Shopping trips are a group outing, featuring the whole family or at least one or two friends. Be sensitive by addressing all the members of the family.

  1. 2. Word-of-mouth is big among Hispanics.

Hispanics rely and trust each other’s recommendations; therefore word-of-mouth is an invaluable source for referrals. Building a good reputation within the community is key for ongoing business. Bilingual team members facilitate communication and understanding.

  1. 3. Engage online in Spanish and English.

Many Hispanic families are bilingual, with older members of the family preferring Spanish and younger members preferring English. A bilingual website will allow families to experience your website, as a family. By providing a Hispanic online experience in both languages, you will send a strong signal to the U.S. Hispanic market that you are investing in them.

Are you ready to tap into the largest non-white group within the U.S with buying power that exceeds $1.5 trillion? There is no better time than today. For more information on our Latino expertise, visit