Join the 2024-2025 Board of Examiners!
WHO should apply?
The Sterling Council’s goal is to ensure broad representation from many industries, companies, and organizations in the for-profit, nonprofit, and public sectors; as well as expertise such as leadership, management, organizational performance, human resources, data analysis, customer service and relationship management; and more. The diversity of our Board of Examiners provides the breadth and depth of experience, skills, and competencies to provide our applicants with high-quality feedback to further enable their journey of performance excellence.
Why YOU Should Become a Sterling Examiner:
- 1. Understand what it takes to drive systematic approaches to organizational excellence.
- 2. Experience actual application of “best practices” as you review and see “first hand” examples of how the Criteria applies to an organization.
- 3. Develop and refine leadership skills and competencies such as critical thinking, systems perspective, analytical skills, and business acumen.
- 4. Enhance your understanding and application of strategy, customer-focus, measurement systems, working relationships, and effective and efficient operations.
- 5. Become part of a performance excellence community of quality professionals: The Board of Sterling Examiners.
HOW to apply:
New Examiners:
1. Review, complete, and email the New Examiner Application of Intent to
2. Review the 2024-2025 Cycle Examiner Training Schedule, make your training session selections, and complete the 2024-2025 Examiner Training Registration form.
3. It’s that simple! Upon receipt of your training registration form, further instructions will be provided to guide you through training preparations.
Returning Examiners:
Please make your training session selections, and complete the 2024-2025 Examiner Training Registration form.
Note: Returning Examiners are not required to take Criteria 101, Evaluating Applications, or Criteria 102; although it is highly recommended for second and third year Examiners.

Early Rate Registration Deadline September 16th, 2024
New Examiner Application of Intent
2024-2025 RETURN Examiner Training Registration
For additional information,
please call the Sterling Office at: 850-922-5316