Organizational Assessments

The Executive Summary includes key themes for strengths and opportunities for improvements. Developing and accelerating levels receive recommendations as part of the Executive Summary. All organizations receive recognition at the Annual Sterling Conference.

See full descriptions of the management assessment services in this section.
Follow up consultation services and training are available at all levels to take you further on your Path to Excellence.

Call the Sterling Office at 850-922-5316 if you would like to have a discussion about the assessment options,
and which assessment might be the right fit for your organization.

Assessment Name Assessment Type Applicant Engagement Applicant Submittals Assessment Team Feedback Report Best-Practice Coaching
STERLING MANUFACTURING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Consulting & Competing Leaders & Managers Org Profile 3 to 8 Examiners In-Person Category Level During Feedback Report Delivery
STERLING EXPLORER Consulting Leaders, Managers, & Employees Org Profile 2 to 3 Examiners Written Category Level During Site Visit
STERLING CHALLENGE Advising Leaders, Managers, & Employees Org Profile & Online Application* (35-Page) 5 to 8 Examiners Written Item Level Upon Request
STERLING COLLABORATIVE Consulting Leaders, Managers, & Employees Org Profile 4 Examiners Written Item Level During Site Visit
GOVERNOR’S STERLING & GEORGIA OGLETHORPE Competing Leaders, Managers, & Employees Org Profile & Online Application* (50-Page) 8 to 10 Examiners Written Item Level Upon Request
GOVERNOR’S STERLING & GEORGIA OGLETHORPE SUSTAINED EXCELLENCE Competing Leaders & Managers Org Profile & Online Application* (20-Page) 3 Examiners Written Executive Summary Upon Request

*All applications include organizational results