Jim Sherlock
Senior Awards Administrator
Sterling Council
You are the Senior Awards Administrator. What does that mean exactly?
Responsible for providing management consulting services for state agencies, state sub-divisions, and the private sector to improve management capabilities and operational effectiveness. Assist in the administration of the Sterling organizational assessments, including the Governor’s Sterling Award, Sterling Challenge, and Sterling Collaborative assessments, including assignment of examiners, assisting examination team leaders and teams, and interacting with applicant organizations. Additionally, responsible for several aspects of the annual Sterling Conference, including the Team Showcase and the Products and Services Exposition and assisting with the Awards Banquet.
How long have you been with the Sterling Council?
I have been with the Sterling Council since its inception in 1992 by former Governor Lawton Chiles. John Pieno was appointed by Governor Chiles to direct this new initiative out of the Executive Office of the Governor. Mr. Pieno invited me to join his team, transferring from my position at the Florida Department of Administration.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your position, and why? What keeps you coming back?
There is a no better group of professionals across all sectors and sizes of organizations than those engaged in organizational performance excellence. It has been my honor over the years to interact with these individuals on a daily basis. Meeting once again many of Sterling’s veteran Examiners and the GSA Recipients I have known and interacted with over the years at the 25th Anniversary was one of my greatest experiences at Sterling.
When you read the newspaper, what section do you gravitate toward first?
The Sports Section.
When you have thirty minutes of free time, how do you spend it?
Go for a walk outdoors.
What is your favorite way to start the day?
A cup of coffee and the morning newspaper.
This Friday is Valentine’s Day. What are your plans?
Hopefully waking up on the right side of the dirt pile.