Elevating Organizational Performance Excellence




Sterling/Baldrige Criteria: The Leadership Framework for Elevating Organizational Performance Excellence

Dione Geiger, President, Florida Sterling Council

Organizations across the state embrace the research-based, evidence driven Sterling Criteria to do business, only better. The Criteria are revised at the national Baldrige Program level on a two-year cycle to keep current and relevant with new management trends and directions in business. Over the pastyear, Sterling has significantly changed the Criteria to simplify the terminology and to get back to the basics of this high-performance management model.

Our hands-on learning session will help you better focus your organization, link strategies with the work you do, and achieve the results you want. You can see quick, substantial results in any area, such as better employee relations, higher productivity, greater customer loyalty, increased market share, student achievement, healthcare outcomes, or improved profitability and sustainability.

Understanding the Criteria begins with the Organizational Profile. The profile drives the context for the six Process Categories:  Leadership; Strategy; Customers; Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management; Workforce; and Operations. This leads to the rewarding seventh category, which is Results!

Another valuable piece of the framework is Systems Thinking. The Criteria Categories do not stand on their own; rather, your organization’s integration and linkages create that “golden thread” which ties together all the Process Categories to drive high-performance.

This workshop is a great way to get your leaders, and your emerging leaders, together to better understand a high-performance leadership culture and what to do as leaders to Elevate Organizational Performance Excellence. This is our mission for the Florida Sterling Council as we support leaders to create a business environment for Florida to be your state of Excellence.

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand the Sterling/Baldrige Management Framework and how it applies to your organization
  • Review the Sterling/Baldrige Criteria and discuss the key elements of the Organizational Profile and how it related to Levels, Trends, Comparisons, and Integration (LeTCI)
  • Discuss and apply scoring guidelines
  • Discuss core values and concepts and how they are integrated with the Criteria and scoring guidelines


This is the premier business workshop that both elevates and illuminates performance—we are at your service and happy to share more or answer any questions.

If you are interested in being an examiner, we welcome your call, email to the Sterling office or click: New Examiner Training Registration.

Sterling is a respected community of professionals, as well as a family of committed leaders
