By: Roland Martinez, Florida Department of Health in Broward County, Deputy Director, and Chair-Elect The Sterling Council
The Organizational Profile is the essential first step in establishing your foundation for completing an organizational assessment to drive high performance. This beginning assessment tool positions senior leadership to calibrate what’s most important by agreeing to basic “what” questions that set the context for understanding your organization and how it operates. It further allows you to address unique aspects of what differentiates your organization. Moreover, this profile-based assessment enables leaders to create the framework and agree on critical components of what’s essential to your business’s success.
As leaders, by completing the Organizational Profile, you begin reaching agreement on critical elements that drive your success. Once completed, the profile enables your leaders to communicate a clear and concise direction more effectively to your employees and stakeholders on key issues such as fully understanding your customers and their requirements, your workforce composition, and their key drivers of engagement and varying needs. Also, you will more fully appreciate your strategic direction, including challenges and advantages which must be addressed to drive strategic outcomes.
Finally, the Organizational Profile is an excellent tool for identifying your business key factors and using these factors as a communication tool with your fellow leaders, employees, stakeholders, and partners. Get started on your journey to high performance and learn how to leverage the Organizational Profile to “Elevate Organizational Performance.”