Sterling Perspectives: Dan Vicker, Florida State University

Dan Vicker serves as a consultant, executive coach, and a subject matter expert in organizational development, leadership, and culture. He currently serves as an organizational development facilitator for many organizations in the US and abroad. He is a faculty member at The Florida State University and delivers a nationally recognized two year leadership program in Florida that has over 5000 students across the state.

He completed his undergraduate studies in Systems Science from the University of West Florida and completed his graduate studies in Business Administration, from the University of West Florida, and Public Administration from The Florida State University. His doctorate is in Organizational Communication from The Florida State University, with a focus on organizational development approaches and tools. He holds several certifications in organizational development and leadership.

He is a member of the Governor’s Florida Sterling Council and served for nine years as an examiner. He currently serves the Sterling Council on the conference committee. In addition, he delivers the opening orientation and is a facilitator for the executive leadership day at the annual Governors Sterling Conference. He is also a member of the Florida Society of Certified Public Managers.

He designs, conducts and facilitates customized “learning & development” workshops in a multitude of topics such as personal development, management, leadership, and organizational development.

He has been a speaker at many state, national, and global conferences.

He has assisted many organizations on strategic approaches to organizational development interventions covering an array of practical tools.

Dan is an HRD practitioner and educationalist and continues to focus on engaging and developing the workforce of organizations in Florida and abroad.