His story, in his own words
Born and raised in Ohio but have lived in the sunshine state for 15 years, I cannot live anywhere else. I love traveling and have been to over 10 countries including surf trips before temporarily settling down. My wife and I have three beautiful children (ages 2-5), and I’m looking forward to more exploring and adventuring with them.
The Sterling Interview
BN: You have a “deep passion for awakening individuals to their innate talents, developing their strengths, and driving results for their organization’s strategic goals.” Could you tell us a little bit about your process here?
BN: What is one thing you do to inspire others’ vulnerability and help them continuously improve, especially as we navigate a remote landscape?
BN: What makes you want to teach to administration as opposed to teaching in the classroom?
I really enjoyed teaching students and could begin to see the immediate impacts on their improvements through the year. I wanted to be able to make a larger systemic impact at the central office (headquarters) level in a school district, so I made the transition. Now after 5 years of doing that, I am more in tune to the direct human-to-human impact I can have through motivation and inspiration.
BN: The 29th Annual Florida Sterling Conference, hosted this June, is virtual. Have you attended any virtual conferences in the last few months? What were some highlights? Downsides?
I have been to a few virtual conferences over the last year. Having dynamic speakers that connect in the virtual environment is critical. It takes a different skill set than in person and without that it’s easy to get distracted and complete other work while listening in. The right pacing and small group activities for processing the information is critical to keep the virtual energy high. Years of teaching/training has helped me to tune in to that right balance.
BN: When was the first time you received Six Sigma training, and what led you to pursue your Black Belt?
I took the Yellow Belt course in October of 2018 through ETS, Inc. During the class I felt my brain was going to explode with excitement like in the cartoons. I had one reaction like: “Where has this been all my life?” to “I am going to use these tools on everything, I mean everything!” I was so excited and knew the Black Belt certification was more valuable than a MBA or PhD for me.
BN: What are some tips and tricks you have to keep up new developments in your field? Are there influencers you listen to? Podcasts? Books?
I subscribe to Harvard Business Review as I feel it pulls in the latest research as well as top authors and speakers. I also listen to business classics and new books on Audible. I like to listen at 1.95x (extra fast) and get through books quickly. Though the best way to stay connected and growing is the close network of colleagues that I continually share ideas with. I have a network of a handful of people that share their latest articles, reads, and recommendations.
BN: Growing up in school, who was “that” person for you? Who inspired you?
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