Governor’s Sterling & Georgia
Oglethorpe Management Assessment
Oglethorpe Management Assessment
Lee Health 2024 Governor’s Sterling Award Recipient
Wellstar Sylvan Grove Medical Center 2024 Georgia Oglethorpe Recipient
The Governor’s Sterling and Georgia Oglethorpe Award assessment process is rigorous, consisting of an Organizational Profile and a formal 50 page application responding to the Sterling Criteria for Performance Excellence. Highly trained examiners review and evaluate the application and visit your site(s) to clarify and verify how well you meet the requirements of the Criteria. They complete a feedback report that goes to the applicant and the Panel of Judges for final determination of organizational performance excellence role model status for the State of Florida.
The Florida Sterling Council is the sole provider of Florida’s Governor’s Sterling Award (GSA) endorsed by the Governor, the National Baldrige Program, and the State Alliance. Organizations that aspire to the Baldrige Award must first become role models through their official state program. Recipients are honored at the Annual Sterling Conference.