The Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Award
The Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence (SMBE) Award process emphasizes manufacturing performance excellence. Manufacturers are interviewed and evaluated by expert teams of individuals from the manufacturing and Sterling communities who contribute time, expertise, and diverse perspectives to company evaluations.
The awards process is designed to:
- Recognize high-performing regional manufacturing companies.
- Provide opportunities for organizational learning and development.
- Promote and elevate participating manufacturers and the entire sector.
Positive Impact for Participants
Nominations for the 2025 SMBEA closed on December 20, 2024.
Following nomination, the Nominee will be notified and asked to complete and submit the Application Profile and Overview (one to two hours), forwarding it with attachments to The writing style and content of the Profile are not evaluated. The Profile provides context for evaluation, detailed information about the company, and descriptions of internal and external pressures and influences that affect operations.
The benefits include thorough feedback on strengths and opportunities for business improvement, as well as exposure and promotion of the company in the community.
Following nomination, the Nominee will be notified and asked to complete and submit the Application Profile and Overview (one to two hours), forwarding it with attachments to The writing style and content of the Profile are not evaluated. The Profile provides context for evaluation, detailed information about the company, and descriptions of internal and external pressures and influences that affect operations.
The Application Profile and Overview should be submitted by the Nominated company by Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
- Once the profile is submitted, an initial web meeting (about 90 minutes) is scheduled with the nominee and a team of examiners to provide an overview of the nominated company’s business. The discussion will include a review of essential elements of high performance based on the 2025 Evaluation Criteria. Then, the Examiner team will schedule and conduct a more in-depth interview/site visit (about three hours) with managers and employees to discuss detailed aspects of the manufacturer and evaluate company systems and practices. The site visit may be virtual, in-person, or hybrid.
- Upon completing all company interviews, Examiners confer to review the evaluations and determine the Finalist. A team of Judges will review the Finalist evaluations to decide the recipients. Awards will be based on scoring against the 2025 high-performance Evaluation Criteria. Recipients will be recognized on May 30, 2025, at the Sterling 33rd Annual Awards Banquet at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.
- All participating manufacturers will receive a highly value-added evaluation feedback discussion and written report outlining specific identified company strengths and opportunities for improvement. The discussion will include recommended actions for improvement and examples of role model practices. Participants should also expect to be invited to participate in knowledge-sharing, developmental, and promotional activities in the Florida manufacturing and Sterling communities.